Tiptrone Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to collect personal information and retain responsibility for its collection, processing and storage of personal data. The Company undertakes to process the collected information in accordance with its obligations and regulations, as well as in accordance with applicable laws and best management practices.


Application area

This Privacy Policy governs how the company collects and uses user information.

This Privacy Policy applies to personal data that the company collects in connection with our:

  • business development events and activities;
  • websites and other resources on which this Privacy Policy is posted, as well as the services provided;
  • business communications and interaction.

Additional services or other privacy notices apply to certain Tiptrone services. If such a notice exists and is disclosed, then in the event of a conflict between these terms and this Privacy Policy, the additional terms will take precedence.

The service does not disclose the user"s personal data to third parties. Only in exceptional circumstances can we disclose your personal data as required by law, as well as in order to protect ourselves or third parties from damage and illegal actions. In the event of a sale or restructuring of our business, your data may be transferred with it.


Tracking data and cookies

We use and allow third parties in some cases to use cookies, web beacons and other technologies to provide our services and collect information about such interaction. Usage Details include the following: the name of the domain from which the User accesses the Internet; the IP address of the device used; current Internet browser software and operating system used; device type and identifiers, device settings, access time (duration of visits to the website, as well as the number of visits and country of origin); the address of the website from which our services were accessed. The information we receive helps us manage the content of our services, improve their quality and inform about efficiency. Technologies such as web beacons and other tracking devices are additionally included in emails and other communications that the User receives from us or in related content.


Confidentiality for Minors

Our company does not knowingly collect information about Clients under the age of 18. But we cannot control all personal information provided voluntarily by the User. If the Client chooses to enter information and is under 18 years of age, then the company is not responsible for the Client"s failure to comply with the law aimed at protecting children, or any other law that regulates the Client"s use of services. In this case, the responsibility lies with the User, therefore, controversial issues may arise in the practice of confidentiality. In the course of fulfilling such confidentiality obligations, the User may contact us at the specified e-mail address if he has valid information that the Client is a child under 18 years of age, as well as in cases where he became aware of unauthorized access and provision of the service information. Tiptrone reserves the right to purge any information from all databases and systems if it is found that information has been collected inappropriately.


Storage of personal information

Personal information about contacts. The User is responsible for meeting the deadlines for storing the information provided, and we, in turn, carry out prompt deletion if necessary. If the User does not take any action, the company retains the main categories of personal information collected until the account remains active, and also until it is necessary to provide the requested user services.

Cookie data. The personal information provided, which the company collects using cookies and other tracking technologies, is recorded in our system and stored for up to 12 months. In some cases, we retain such information for a longer time or, conversely, a short period to comply with regulatory obligations. That is, if necessary, we will store the information provided for a specified period.

Personal information about commercial relationships. Tiptrone may store and use the information provided to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve conflicts and enforce our agreements. The company"s specialists regularly check and eliminate unnecessary user information and other information, as well as periodically delete inactive accounts.