1. Key points

1.1. This agreement specifies all relations between the client and the Tiptrone portal in the field of operations that it provides.

1.2. This agreement is drawn up within the framework of the laws in force in the country where the client was registered and located.

1.3. This type of contract is accepted by the parties as a public offer. It is accepted when the client submits an application, which is included in the structure of the agreement.

1.4. All applications are processed within 1-10 minutes from the moment payment is received. After sending funds to the client’s account, the application is considered completed.

1.5. This agreement becomes valid from the moment the formation of the client"s application is completed.

1.6. This type of agreement ceases to be valid from the moment the funds are credited to the user"s details. The amount must correspond to the declared or corrected by the portal. Also, the agreement ends if the application is cancelled.

1.7. The resource and the client agree that the electronic contract has the same legal force as the document provided on paper.

1.8. Tiptrone reserves the right to make changes to the contract without prior informing customers. At the same time, the publication of a new version on the resource page is required.

1.9. The Service reserves the right to unilaterally make changes to this agreement without a corresponding notice to the User, but with the obligatory publication of the current version of the agreement on this page.

2. Terms of Service

2.1. The application is processed by the service itself with strict observance of secrecy. Also, information about the client himself is not disclosed. Additionally, a check will be carried out regarding participation in money laundering and other illegal activities.

2.2. You can place an order for the implementation of various operations with cryptocurrencies, as well as get data on how the procedure is going, using the appropriate interface.

2.3. Accounting for processes with digital coins is carried out in accordance with the regulations and rules from settlement systems.

2.4. Each of the completed operations that were carried out using the resource cannot be undone. After its completion, the funds cannot be returned to the sender.

2.5. If the client has not transferred the specified amount to complete the transaction within 20 minutes, the transaction will be terminated. This process may occur unilaterally, the user may not be notified.

2.5.1. If the application was canceled, the funds will be returned to the client within one day. The commission percentage spent on the return is deducted from the amount.

2.6. If the volume of assets received on the account differs from the amount specified in the application, then the resource may not carry out the operation or implement it with the volume that was received from the client.

2.7. If the money after the transfer within 24 hours was not transferred to the described details, then the user can cancel the application and return the funds. Cancellation occurs if the assets were not sent to the entered accounts.

2.8. In order to fulfill obligations, the portal may involve intermediaries from outside.

2.9. The Tiptrone Portal may stop serving a user if they violate the terms of the agreement.

3. Privacy Policy

3.1. In order to implement the operation, the resource may require personal information and store it for future accounting. In this case, the data will not be disclosed to third parties. However, there are a number of exceptions.

3.2. The implementation of all processes and the transfer of personal information is carried out only through a special channel.

3.3. The resource itself produces the data collection process. Various methods are used for this. The data remains confidential and is not shared with third parties.

3.4. Client information may be shared if necessary for investigation or investigation. A request for receipt can be given by law enforcement agencies, and the client himself has such an opportunity.

3.5. The resource may transfer data to other services if it is necessary for their own investigations.

3.6. Data storage is implemented on the platform service during the entire period of activity, as well as for five years after the account is deleted.

4. Actions to prevent illegal activities

4.1. At the level of international law, a certain number of rules and processes are being implemented that were aimed at stopping the use of the resource in order to carry out the procedure for laundering assets or other processes that have illegal activities.

4.2. In order to prevent illegal circulation of digital assets, the portal establishes the following rules:

4.2.1. Only the same person can send and receive digital assets. It is forbidden to use the resource to replenish user accounts from a third party.

4.2.2. All data that the client enters into the application, as well as other personal information, must remain completely up-to-date and reliable.

4.2.3. The resource completely prohibits creating requests using proxy connections and anonymous network access.

4.3. In order for illegal activity to be minimized, the resource has the right to:

  • apply a system of automatic research of transfers or stop all strange operations of the client;
  • collect all necessary information about the user;
  • conduct research of client data by all available means.

4.4. The resource has the right to temporarily suspend the activity of the account and all running operations until the client submits the necessary set of documents to the administration in order to verify the identity. It is carried out in a number of cases:

  • if a violation of the requirements of this agreement is revealed;
  • if applications are frozen to stop fraudulent activity;
  • if there are clear suspicions or facts that the client is going to or is trying to use the functionality of the portal to implement money laundering or conduct fraudulent activities.

In this case, the client is obliged to transfer all the documents that the administration will request. Seven working days are allocated for this period. The date is counted from the moment the claim is received or the disputed bid is cancelled.

4.4.1. If the client refuses to transfer documents, the portal has the right to refuse to provide services and block his account.

4.5. The resource has the full right to refuse the client to provide operations, as well as to transfer all available data to law enforcement agencies in a number of situations:

  • when calculating transactions that are carried out for money laundering, investing in organizations involved in terrorism, conducting fraudulent schemes or other illegal activities;
  • if the administration of the resource has real suspicions that the documentation and information about the client are false or do not provide a complete picture of the situation;
  • if formal allegations have been received from regulatory authorities that the client has funds illegally;
  • if operations were identified that are aimed at a negative impact on the software or operational support of the resource;
  • if other types of actions or attempts to steal tangible assets or data from resource databases have been identified;
  • when determining other processes or attempts to implement operations that may cause harm of any kind in relation to other clients or the portal itself.

4.6. The resource has all the rights to conduct user verification in any way convenient for it, including the involvement of a third party.

5. Responsibility parameters

5.1. Tiptrone provides its services on a 24/7 basis. In addition to this, the administration will work on the project and improve it so that all processes run smoothly.

5.2. The Tiptrone Portal provides its services on the terms and conditions specified in this agreement. It does not provide additional warranties or obligations.

5.3. By working with the service, the client agrees that the liability of the portal is limited based on the actual funds of this agreement that were received for the implementation of the operations. In this case, the resource does not provide additional warranties. Also, he will not be liable to the administration of the service only in exceptional cases.

5.4. Tiptrone Portal makes every effort, but does not guarantee that its functionality will be available for access for 24 hours a week. At the same time, the resource does not give guarantees regarding the losses that the client will receive for costs of a different kind that have arisen due to restrictions on access to the site.

5.5. The Tiptrone Portal is not responsible for unprofitability or lack of income, as well as for other types of customer costs that have arisen due to erroneous actions, failures in bank procedures or other systems.

5.6. Tiptrone is not responsible for losses or profits that clients do not receive due to processes related to inaccurate interpretation of the rules, misunderstanding of the portal, as well as erroneous assumptions about the result.

5.7. If the client transmitted erroneous information or indicated incorrect details of the recipient, then the resource is not responsible for the negative outcome or costs that this activity led to.

5.8. Using the services of the portal, the client is solely responsible for all processes related to the payment of tax fees, as well as the legislation of the country in which he lives. Since the service does not act as a tax agent, it will not notify you that any tax deductions must be made when conducting various types of transactions.

5.9. The client gives guarantees that he will indemnify the portal, the company, managers and employees if he is the cause of them.

5.10. The Client guarantees that he is the full owner or has official rights to conduct transactions, manage and convert digital assets from his transactions.

5.11. The Client undertakes not to take active steps and not to use the functionality of the portal if his activity is directly related to the violation of the law. He also gives his full consent that all attempts to implement an exchange and conduct a fraudulent scheme will have consequences in the form of a court order and punishment in accordance with the laws of the country of residence.

5.12. The Client undertakes not to provide deliberately false personal or contact data, interfere with the operation of the portal, disrupt the activity of its software or hardware, and also influence normal functioning in other ways. All illegal actions will be prosecuted by law, namely:

5.12.1. If fraudulent activities are detected or interference with work is proven with any negative impact on the portal program code, which will directly or indirectly be related to the client"s application described in these rules.

5.13. The Client guarantees that the content of the Portal page has been and will be protected by the laws and regulations of the country of residence aimed at respecting property rights.

5.14. Both parties to this agreement do not bear any material or other responsibility to each other for delays that occurred due to reasons beyond their control. Such situations can be attributed to force majeure circumstances, as they appeared from the impact of force majeure processes. Such situations include natural disasters, natural disasters, fire, disruption of the electrical network or communication resources.

5.15. The Portal cannot be held responsible for funds sent through the payment system or banks. When carrying out erroneous or illegal actions, the appeal for the purpose of support should be implemented there, since the service is not an intermediary.

6. Stages of acceptance of claims and implementation of disputes

6.1. Disputable issues that arise within the framework of the provision of services can be resolved by the beginning of the negotiation process of both parties to the agreement, which is adopted on the basis of the provisions of the country"s legislation.

6.1.1. All claims based on this agreement can be considered by the resource in any form. For registration of the electronic version, you can use any of the presented contacts for communication. All of them can be found in the corresponding section on the portal page.

6.2. If for some reason it is not possible to resolve disputes through negotiations, then a different methodology is used for this. One of the parties may use a lawsuit in a judicial authority based on the laws of the country of residence. The claim is sent to the territorial body in the city where the resource is officially registered.

7. Identification of the User"s identity

7.1. The resource client must always be ready to undergo identity verification from the portal administration. This condition is mandatory and must be accepted unconditionally.

7.2. Additionally, in the process of identity verification, the administration of the resource can request individual data of various types:

7.2.1. Full information about the name of the owner of the material assets.

7.2.2. Data on the citizenship (or several citizenships in the case of dual citizenship) of the client or residence permit.

7.2.3. Data of an identity document in the form of a number and series, as well as other information related to identity and passport verification.

7.2.4. Information about where the client was born, on what day it happened.

7.2.5. Complete information about where the client is registered. If he lives elsewhere, then the address of actual residence must also be indicated.

7.2.6. Any contact details for communication. In addition to the postal address, you can specify your home and mobile phone, email, instant messengers, social networks and any other types of contacts.

7.2.7. Pictures for identification, which will be requested by the site administration.

7.2.8. Pictures of the owner himself with an internal or foreign passport open on the first page, as well as a document for a residence permit.

7.2.9. Photos of utility bills. This is necessary for those cases when the registration information is not written in the identity card used for verification. The address must be clearly visible on the receipt, as well as the username.

7.2.10. Other personal information, regardless of the format of provision and volume, which the Internet resource considers it necessary to request. All additional information must be provided in order to pass full identification.

7.3. Any information received will be used to verify the client, find confirmation of participation in money laundering, fraud, investing in terrorist organizations and other types of crimes that could pass through the functionality of the resource or its application.

7.4. The collection and transfer of information about the client of the resource will necessarily take place on the basis of the privacy policy.

7.5. Clients must give their permission to conduct accounting activities, collect and store information about themselves in the resource database. Storage occurs from the beginning of registration and throughout the entire period of activity, as well as for five years after the account is deleted.

7.6. In addition to this, the client gives his consent to the resource so that he can conduct any kind of investigation. This process can be implemented independently or in cooperation with third parties, third-party services. One such example is a KYC service or other similar options. In this case, the client cannot set restrictions on the choice.

7.7. After the identity verification procedure has been completed, the client undertakes to independently monitor the timely introduction of changes. All information must be updated and corrected. You can do this through your personal account, and you can also send the changed data to the administration of the service. If the management has reason to believe that the data is old, incomplete, erroneous, or there are inaccuracies in them, then the service will assign a check again, and until it is completed, the account and operations will be blocked.

7.8. If the resource management fails to get a full-fledged connection with the client based on the information that he provided during registration and verification, then the portal ceases to be liable for losses, costs, cancellation of operations and other negative consequences that appeared due to a temporary stoppage of work. The Client confirms that in this case only he is responsible and monitors the accuracy of the contact information.

7.9. After verification is passed, the client of the resource allows all kinds of checks, studies and investigations in his direction. The service itself chooses what it will need. It can act itself or with the help of a third party.

7.10 All digital wallets that are used for the active use of the resource must be automatically verified using AML. The service determines whether there is a connection between the client"s wallet address and companies from the list of suspicious ones. If it is detected, digital cryptocurrency assets will be returned back to the sender. The resource will deduct from the amount the percentage that it spent to make the return.